AuditLink hosts its fourth annual Conversations on Compliance

AuditLink, the audit and compliance division of CU*Answers, hosted its fourth annual Conversations on Compliance event. “We had a really great turnout with 42 attendees,” said Marsha Sapino, AuditLink assistant manager. “We’ve had increased registration year over year as more individuals in the network are looking for the latest news and tips on compliance.”

The agenda included tips for identifying human trafficking provided by Aaron Toffoli from the Kent County Human Trafficking Task Force; Steven Van Beek from Howard & Howard presented on the Telephone Consumer Protection Act; and Jim Vilker and Marsha Sapino of CU*Answers AuditLink spoke on BSA risk assessments and common audit findings.

Sapino continued, “We want to thank the presenters and all of the folks that came out for joining us. Audit and compliance at the credit union can often feel daunting, and our goal is to help share the aggregate knowledge of the network of credit unions and partners.”