Asterisk Intelligence now offering service levels for Scorecards

Asterisk Intelligence, a data analytics team at CU*Answers, has recently introduced multiple “Service Levels” to their popular operational Scorecards.

Service levels allow credit union partners to select optional or related services when placing their order for any of Asterisk Intelligence’s Scorecards. “Asterisk Intelligence takes pride in empowering credit unions to act on insights,” said Thomas Hull, business intelligence analyst with CU*Answers. “What we heard from our credit union partners was that our scorecards were providing the insights they needed but fell short when it came to providing the ability to act off the information provided.”

New service level options allow credit unions to select their desired level of support, ranging from providing just the original operational scorecard through a full-service approach, providing not only the scorecard, but also a briefing where analysts review and discuss identified opportunities, as well as the creation of marketing lists and identification of specific member populations.