Asterisk Intelligence announces card activity optics are now available

Asterisk Intelligence, a data analytics team at CU*Answers that provides business intelligence consulting, fulfillment, and educational services to credit unions, recently announced the availability of Card Activity Optics, a new data source which expands insights into credit and debit card processing.

Credit union partners now have access to thirty days of Card Activity Optics data, providing insights into transaction denials, authorizations, card present/not present indicators, merchant category codes, and much more. “We are excited to expand the insights we have available into card processing,” said Thomas Hull, Business Intelligence Analyst. “We believe these new insights will offer enhanced analytical capabilities, new and robust understandings of Courtesy Pay programs, negative balance and spending limits, as well as enhanced fraud monitoring capabilities.”

With the data now in the hands of partner credit unions, stay tuned for CU*Answers’ continuing development efforts leveraging this new data; building customized data retention and storage solutions, dashboard and reporting enhancements, as well as planned new capabilities as it relates to merchant category code rebate programs.