Asterisk Intelligence, the data analytics and data warehousing team at CU*Answers, recently published a free book of their Data Fact projects executed in 2019. Data Fact projects are quick and simple data points researched from a credit union’s available data and delivered to them via email from Asterisk Intelligence (AI). The team selects a different credit union each day for their work on this program.
The book includes 20 samples of their work for data-interested individuals to review and use as examples for doing the same research and knowledge-building in-house. The free resource is available to order in the CU*Answers store and encourages discovery and awareness of data. Each sample demonstrates the simplicity of finding quick data points and writing a simple summary of the information.
“We are asking credit unions to think about the fact that there are thousands of facts available and be curious about finding them, working to interpret them, and then taking action that can prove the value of that data,” said Annalyn Hawkes, business intelligence analyst with Asterisk Intelligence.
Asterisk Intelligence is a group launched in 2017 by CU*Answers to focus on strategies and development of data analytics and data warehousing for credit unions.