CU*Answers celebrates the 75th issue of its “Tricks of the Trade” and marks the end of successful series

CU*Answers’ Tricks of the Trade reached its 75th issue in November, wrapping up a successful Writing Team initiative. In its seven years the newsletter series featured its “Top Five” documentation selections of a wide breath of topics including software releases, new product offerings, and services offered by different divisions at CU*Answers. The Tricks of the Trade webinar that highlighted these resources was well attended by clients who enjoyed the bite-size approach of the series.

Randy Karnes, CEO, CU*Answers praised the success of the series saying, “Our clients love our investment in our full-feature documentation, but this series has been very successful to show the quick tools that engage them to truly learn the value of our investments. I’m looking forward to the next initiative by the Writing Team to provide this type of service to our clients.”