On May 15th, coordinated with the newest release of the core processing application CU*BASE®, clients of CUSO CU*NorthWest will have access to a newer and more robust automated membership application and opening process.
The new Membership Application Process (MAP) and Membership Opening Process (MOP) will offer CU*NorthWest clients greater opportunity in the internet retail space by not only offering an automated membership opening process, but making application workflows even more customizable. Promotions, eligibility rules, and a completely redesigned application can be implemented in a variety of ways and targeted toward specific demographics, allowing credit unions to pivot and adjust their message to potential members of any kind.
Once approved, the Membership Opening Process will guide new credit union members through the process of establishing their online banking logon information. Credit unions will be able to curate content in the MOP workflow to present products and services to get their new members started off on the right foot.