CU*Answers Encourages Credit Unions to Ask Members “Would You Like a Debit Card with That?”

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – January 13, 2015

CU*Answers, data processor to nearly 200 credit unions nationwide, recently announced its theme for 2015 with the announcement of its 8th annual video contest. “Would You Like Fries with That?” emphasizes the importance of anticipating the next sales opportunity during member interactions. The goal of the video contest is to get credit unions to make a habit out of thinking about what comes next after members perform certain actions such as paying off a loan, opening a new account, or inquiring about a credit card. Just like fast-food chains know people love fries with hamburgers, credit union staff should know what members are likely to do or need after performing various transactions and inquiring about or applying for certain products. CU*Answers added that the theme would be showcased at its June Leadership Conference.