CU*Answers Collections Roundtable Resumes

Core processing CUSO, CU*Answers announce that the ever-popular Collections Roundtable resumed in September after a short hiatus for the summer. CU*Answers offers this forum to their client Credit Unions to review changes and options for handling all facets of Collections. The program has become so popular CU*Answers had to create two sessions to handle the volume of attendees.

“We expect to have a lot of discussion regarding the NCUA changes to the 5300 report that were implemented this summer. This is the perfect forum for this type of discussion since it involves both the users and the data processor in the conversations,” said Jerry Collins the Team Leader of Collections at CU*Answers. Ideas are often used to create a more user-friendly core procession system and will in turn create a larger marketing group for the core processer. “The real point is to get us all together to figure out who has learned or uncovered the best ideas to handle these types of changes. The Roundtable is open forum so there will surely be discussion of other ideas too.”