CU*Answers Adds Skip Tracing to their Products

Finding people is part of the Collections process for any Credit Union. Knowing that, the 100% credit union-owned cooperative CUSO CU*Answers, has taken on a skip tracing firm to help their clients, no matter how small, find those that may wish not to be found or just for database updating. “CU*Answers is all about networking and economies of scale so we set up a  product that gives Credit Union’s very good pricing with lots of information. By doing this though us, the Credit Union can pay per use and save contractual fees.” quoted Jerry Collins the Collections Team Leader.

This allows the Credit Union to use the product for even small balance accounts and still get a great ROI. The clients can use it one time or many times and are charged only for times they use the product. The Credit Union sends the information via secured portal and CU*Answers returns it within a few hours. This can greatly reduce the loss potential on collections and recovery accounts.