HOT Off the Press – CU*NorthWest Education Catalog

CU*NorthWest, a CUSO located in Liberty Lake, Washington announced today that their 2012 Education Catalog is available and classes are underway. 

The 157-page Education Catalog is produced annually detailing all the ways credit unions can learn more about the software they use every day.   Webinars, month-long classes, events and an online university are featured.

The cornerstone of CU*NorthWest’s education events are quarterly focused-learning months.  Each year, four areas of concentration are chosen that reflect new features and functionality or job responsibilities and a set of progressive classes are designed to make users experts.  Classes come complete with weekly homework.

Classes this year will be:  Management Dashboards; Tiered Services; Know Your Members and Your Peers; and the ever popular Report Builder series.  Last year 70% of credit union clients participated in the Report Builder series.

CU*NorthWest also offers regular monthly classes based on topics suggested by their clients. Regular release trainings and custom training is also available.   CU*NorthWest and its partners are dedicated to helping credit unions maximize their investment in the financial software and offer over 130 classes, 92 web conferences and 4 focused-learning months to inspire collaboration and provide tools to better serve members.