Corporate One FCU Engages CUSO Call Center

Grand Rapids, Michigan – August 2nd, 2011
Xtend, Inc., the Grand Rapids, Michigan-based multi-owned cooperative CUSO, recently completed an outbound call campaign for its partners at Corporate One FCU to help drive awareness of “Town Hall Meetings” that were taking place throughout the country. The campaign, which was executed over a several week period of time, consisted of nearly 4,000 calls to industry CEOs with a goal of driving attendance at Corporate One events in California, Texas, Colorado, Oregon and Maryland.

“Corporate One FCU has been a partner of our CUSO for several years,” notes Xtend President Scott Collins. “They have tapped us on the shoulder for inbound and outbound projects before, so when their team came to us with this opportunity we were pretty excited to help out. And as a client of theirs we were happy to help drive more awareness of the great products and services they have, especially in today’s marketplace.” Collins continues, “The scope of this project was right in our sweet spot. Our teams have been helping drive awareness of similar events for several of our CUSO partners for several years, and these projects have been some of our most successful. I look forward to Corp One’s feedback and our next opportunity to serve.”