Partnership between the Organizational Resource Development team and Site-Four leads to affordable employee benefits

CU*Answers Organizational Resource Development (ORD) has joined with network partner Site-Four to research and provide new benefit plan offerings to the latter organization’s employee base. Effective September 2021, the new program has been successfully implemented.

Defining needs, researching options, and executing upon benefit solutions can be a challenging undertaking for organizations. Furthermore, the employee size of Site-Four provided limited availability for a cost-effective solution. By partnering with the CU*Answers ORD team, Site-Four was able to utilize the expert services of the team to help guide the organization through the process and find a cost saving solution with better plan designs then originally provided to their staff.

After extensive research, the ORD Team recommended a partnership between Site-Four and Resourcing Edge, a Professional Employer Organization (PEO). This resulted in the establishment of a co-employment relationship between the two entities, that consist of payroll services as well as a full suite of benefit offerings.

While implementation has been completed, the ORD team at CU*Answers will continue to provide benefit and payroll support moving into the future. This partnership continues to develop a strong foundation within the CUSO network.