CU*Answers releases more than a dozen new mobile banking videos

As more credit union members use mobile banking to manage their finances, cooperative CUSO CU*Answers has responded to this trend by making more of their member-facing video tutorials mobile friendly. The CU*Answers Writing Team, which produces video tutorials for credit union members, has recently published 18 new mobile banking videos. Topics include how to use face authentication to log in to mobile banking, how to enroll in text banking, and how to apply for a loan online, among others.

CU*Answers Technical Writer Amethyst Schott shares her excitement for the growing library of video tutorials: “We’ve not even advertised these tutorials yet and are already seeing a significant number of views. As the trend from desktop banking to phone banking continues to grow, so too must our library of mobile-friendly videos. These new mobile videos will help members see that CU*Answers is staying relevant and meeting them where they’re at, which is often on their phone.” The new videos can be found on the CU*Answers OnDemand site.