AdvantageCIO launches remote access assessment service

AdvantageCIO, a division of CU*Answers, is pleased to announce it has launched a new remote access security assessment service to address the challenges and concerns of operating with a remote workforce.

The service takes a balanced approach by reviewing existing credit union access policies along with technology, administrative, and physical controls. It then makes specific ranked recommendations to address observed deficiencies in each reviewed area.

“In this era of COVID and remote working being a new norm, credit union executives are responsible for ensuring their staff is operating securely and protecting member information, while remaining productive,” explains David Wordhouse, EVP of Technology at CU*Answers. “We take a layered approach to reviewing your existing strategy, highlight were policy needs reinforcement, and making high value technical recommendations where they will have the greatest impact.”

The service is available now from AdvantageCIO. To order or for more information, please visit the AdvantageCIO store.