CU*Answers publishes new video series for credit union board members

West Michigan-based credit union service organization CU*Answers recently published a new video series about their Analytics Booth software product. The new Analytics Booth for Board Members series, which includes 10 videos, is geared toward credit union board members and helps them better understand the ins and outs of Analytics Booth, a software that details the ebb and flow of daily credit union operations. CU*Answers Technical Writer Amethyst Schott, who produced the video series, shares her excitement about the new offering: “This new video series is really going to help credit union board members get their feet wet in the Analytics Booth software so that they can better understand the daily operations of the credit union they serve as a board member.”

The new series teaches viewers the basics of Analytics Booth such as how to log in as well as the more complex aspects of the software such as how to compare operational trends. The Analytics Booth for Board Members video series can be found at