CU*NorthWest, a Cooperative CUSO in Liberty Lake, Washington has added another client and credit union owner. Tongass FCU, a community charter credit union serving over 7,000 members, has four branches on three islands in Southern Alaska.
“We are eager to join the CU*Northwest group as a member owner,” said Susan Fisher, CEO/President. “We look forward to collaborating with our sister credit unions and using this strength to continue bringing new services, products and technology to our own member owners.”
“CU*NorthWest’s business design allows for an equal ownership opportunity and voting privilege to all CU*BASE® clients regardless of asset or member size”, said Todd Powell, Chairman of the CU*NorthWest Board of Directors and CEO of Spokane Firefighter Credit Union, “In addition to a strong historical return on investment, each credit union owner also has a chance to be nominated and vote for the CU*NorthWest Board of Directors”.
Tongass will be the first credit union in Alaska to convert to the CU*BASE GOLD data processing platform and join the CU*NorthWest CUSO. Although ownership is not a requirement at CU*NorthWest, nearly 70% of clients are owners.