CU*NorthWest, a 100% credit union-owned cooperative CUSO, announced today that Steve Kelly, CEO of Centennial, Colorado’s Metrum Community Credit Union, was elected to the CU*NorthWest Board of Directors. Election results were approved by the board at their August meeting.
Kelly said: “When we were looking for a data processing system, one of our top priorities was looking for a cooperative CUSO; we found that at CU*NorthWest. It is my honor to be elected to a board committed to the cooperative philosophy. I hope to add value to CU*NorthWest and spread the message to other credit unions that the cooperative spirit is alive!”
Greg Smith, CEO of CU*Northwest added: “It will be exciting for us to have a Colorado credit union represented in the boardroom again as we continue to grow our client base there. Like credit unions, it’s a cooperative thing – a fundamental piece to our value.”