cuasterisk Network Partner Meeting

Grand Rapids, MI – May 13th, 2011
The cuasterisk partner network announced that its meeting was held in Grand Rapids, MI the week of May 9th, prior to the CUSO leadership events sponsored by nearly each partner in order to help shape the vision for each partners as related to the overall cuasterisk network strategic business plans, how those objectives and goals are developed, and how they are described to each partner’s clients and owners in setting its unified network direction for the upcoming year.

This year’s theme revolved around building new businesses within the network by focusing upon immediate, tactical strategies for increasing the number of affiliate partners as well as franchise like partners sharing a similar partner vision for cooperation through offering a variety of network service offerings. The open, round table discussion of eight network partners and related affiliates focused upon how cuasterisk can teach, demonstrate and assist each existing and potential new partner in helping designing even greater collaboration and partnered business initiatives amongst them for better serving credit unions.

cuasterisk elaborated in saying its vision for collaboration is unique in that it focuses revolves around maximizing the credit union member experience as a whole, versus bottom line profitability for any single entity. For instance, cuasterisk says a big differentiator is that nearly every partner within the network represents a multi-owned, credit union CUSO, with a primary goal being to develop highly desired technology solutions at a fraction of traditional pricing models, providing considerably less investment risk to the credit union, and being faster to market as based upon these combined partner initiatives. It also stressed that the network continues to stress its ability to focus upon serving the credit union membership as based upon each partner’s commitment to collaborate and the leverage obtained by working together for the collective whole of the industry, versus a primary focus upon the bottom line profit of each partner.

The representative from the network continued to state that this network partner integration has already lead to a variety of network services being provided to credit unions at very low rates, such as inbound/ outbound Call Center strategies, Bookkeeping services, Collections, Audit and Compliance services, Data Processing, e-Document Management, Network Security and Management and even more.

Finally, cuasterisk said this tight partner network is providing a big added value in that credit unions will significantly reduce having to worry about individually managing and balancing contracts for most third party vendor relationships as based upon this unique partner initiative.