Chatter Yak! Now Offering Social Media Management

If you don’t have the time or resources to handle your financial institution’s social media, outsourcing may be the solution for you. Chatter Yak! understands that a lot of community banks and credit unions have a marketing department consisting of a single staff person. In these cases, it’s hard enough to keep up with the demands of day-to-day tasks, not to mention the demands of managing a social presence. Turning to an agency ensures that someone is paying attention to your social accounts and your audience.

By utilizing Chatter Yak! consultants to manage your social presence, you gain the following:

  1. More time for your financial institution. One of the greatest advantages of outsourcing your social media is the amount of time it will save you. These extra minutes can really add up, especially for busy employees involved in multiple aspects of your business.
  2. Valuable expertise. The expertise you get from Chatter Yak!’s social media consultants and community managers is invaluable. By working with their team, you get access to their knowledge and expertise about social media marketing which you can apply to your financial institution.
  3. Reduced costs. The cost of outsourcing your social media replaces the costs associated with hiring a full time staff person to manage your social media presence. No salary, benefits, or training expenses to incur.
  4. Consistent messaging. No more posting “lulls” when you outsource your social media. Chatter Yak!’s team will post consistently and strategically on your financial institution’s behalf to ensure that your brand is appearing often in the news feeds of your fans.
  5. Louder voice. One of the major benefits to outsourcing your social media marketing is the immediate growth of your audience. When you’re only publishing on your platform, you can only reach your fans and followers. In a way, you’re preaching to the converted. When you outsource your social media marketing to social media consultants, you suddenly have access to the platforms, fans and followers that they’re connected with as well.
  6. Online reputation management. People are talking about you online whether you’re listening or not. What’s more, your customers/members are turning to social media to resolve customer service issues. Chatter Yak!’s consultants will tune in to the conversations and respond in a timely manner, which will not only earn the trust and loyalty of your fans, but will preserve your reputation.

To discuss how Social Media Management might be a good fit for your community bank or credit union, contact one of Chatter Yak!’s consultants today by visiting