CU*NorthWest, a 100% credit union owned cooperative CUSO has set the new price for an ownership share at $62,500.00. Each year the CU*NorthWest board of directors establishes the new stock price based on the audited financials from the prior fiscal year.
Todd Powell, CEO of Spokane Firefighter Credit union and chairman of the board stated, “When the firm formed in late 2005 the initial offering price was $31,250.00 and this year’s price is now double that. The firm is healthy and is now accelerating growth in accordance with our business plans.”
Although ownership is not required, CU*NorthWest maintains nearly 70% ownership penetration among its clients. “The fact that credit unions are seeking ownership in our CUSO is a good indication of cooperative health” says Greg Smith, CEO.
CU*NorthWest just added two new owners in Alaska and Montana bringing the number of owners to 19 and now has owners in all states it does business; Washington, Oregon, Colorado, California and Alaska and Michigan.